Etradebank Problems

I love Etradebank. I have had accounts there way back when my account was with Telebank before Etrade aquired them. I love their bill pay service. Use it all the time. I never send paper checks anymore.
I setup bill pay for a medical company awhile back. Every week, $20 would go to that company. At least I thought it did.
The medical company contacted me to say only one payment of $20 has been received this year. However, I show $200 in payments this year.
Yesterday, I called and spoke to Jared Glaus. He told me he would investigate and call me back later in the day. I didn't receive a call.
Today, I called and spoke to Oliver Delteon. He is investigating the issue.
From a user interface perspective, the irritation lies in the fact that Etradebank puts a rejected bill payment back into the account but there is no notice about which bill is being rejected and why.
Just yesterday, they rejected another bill payment and again I don't know why and both of these are bills that have previously been successfully received by the intended recipient.
5:53 PM Oliver asks to put me on hold for 3 minutes while he investigates. Listening to music.
5:57 PM Oliver is back. "To be perfectly honest, not sure why it's being rejected."
6:03 PM He is going to do more research and because it's Friday, will get back with me on Monday.