I recently wanted to get my monthly account statements online so signed up for online access. They show all transactions but I wanted to get the monthly statements in e-format (pdf, etc) or printable from a browser.
So I go to the right page to see all the transactions and there is a link for 'View Online Statements' and they want me to create ANOTHER login. Isn't that strange? I noticed this on another site recently (my gas utility bill) where they won't show you the monthly statements without forcing you to do a monthly payment directly from your bank account.

Ok, so I bite, I decide to Enroll for another id. All of the sudden an alert pops up telling me to get a new browser (I was using Firefox). Ok, so I switch to IE. Then, I fill out half of the enrollment form and I keep getting forwarded to a new login page (but I haven't finished enrolling yet!). So I backtrack and see a javascript error on the page which makes me wonder who can use this page.

If Firefox and IE 6 don't work, what does? I'm too tired to try netscape. I guess I'll just have to hand-scan my monthly statements.
This is a very major national bank but there is something I've noticed about banks and that is that they have some of the worst online account websites of any company.